Author | Books

The Working Mother's Complete Handbook
(New American Library)

"Inspiring and utterly sound." --Erica Jong

"The best! It's practical and comprehensive, as only mothers who have been there could make it." --Vicki Lansky, author of Feed Me, I'm Yours

"A manual that may well become as important to mothers as Dr. Spock's Baby and Child Care." --San Francisco Bay Guardian

"The definitive resource.. every page has a workable idea." --Los Angeles Times

"An organized, lively source of encouragement and practical tips." --Publishers Weekly


The Parents' Guide to Daycare
(Bantam Books)

"This excellent book offers very sound practical advice. I couldn't recommend a book to working parents more highly." --Ellen Galinsky, author of Between Generations

"First-rate! This book will help parents make wise choices and will help their children flourish in group care." --Dr. Alice Sterling Honig, Syracuse University

Author | Selected Articles, "The Tantrum"

Psychotherapy Networker, "The Grandma Mantra"

Ars Medica, "My Left Eye"

The New York Times, "How to Find (and Keep) a Nanny"

Family Weekly - Cover Story, "The New Mother"

Vogue, "Pacing Your Career"

Working Mother - Cover Story, "The Sandwich Generation"

Family Circle - Cover Story, "Great Ideas for Women Who Work"

Ladies Home Journal, "Just Say Goodbye"

Washington Post, "HELP: Coping with Everyday Demands"

Harper's Bazaar, "The Working Mother's Anti-Guilt Guide"

Woman's Day, "Are You a Mess from Stress?"

Working Woman, "Motherhood and Guilt"